inscribe - definitie. Wat is inscribe
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Wat (wie) is inscribe - definitie

Inscribed; Inscribe
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¦ verb
1. write or carve (words or symbols) on a surface, especially as a formal or permanent record.
2. write a dedication to someone in (a book).
3. Geometry draw (a figure) within another so that their boundaries touch but do not intersect. Compare with circumscribe.
4. archaic enter the name of (someone) on a list.
inscribable adjective
inscriber noun
ME: from L. inscribere, from in- 'into' + scribere 'write'.
·vt To mark with letters, charakters, or words.
II. Inscribe ·vt To draw within so as to meet yet not cut the boundaries.
III. Inscribe ·vt To write or engrave; to mark down as something to be read; to Imprint.
IV. Inscribe ·vt To assign or address to; to commend to by a shot address; to dedicate informally; as, to inscribe an ode to a friend.
V. Inscribe ·vt To imprint deeply; to Impress; to Stamp; as, to inscribe a sentence on the memory.
v. (D; tr.) to inscribe for (to inscribe a book for smb.)


Inscribed figure

In geometry, an inscribed planar shape or solid is one that is enclosed by and "fits snugly" inside another geometric shape or solid. To say that "figure F is inscribed in figure G" means precisely the same thing as "figure G is circumscribed about figure F". A circle or ellipse inscribed in a convex polygon (or a sphere or ellipsoid inscribed in a convex polyhedron) is tangent to every side or face of the outer figure (but see Inscribed sphere for semantic variants). A polygon inscribed in a circle, ellipse, or polygon (or a polyhedron inscribed in a sphere, ellipsoid, or polyhedron) has each vertex on the outer figure; if the outer figure is a polygon or polyhedron, there must be a vertex of the inscribed polygon or polyhedron on each side of the outer figure. An inscribed figure is not necessarily unique in orientation; this can easily be seen, for example, when the given outer figure is a circle, in which case a rotation of an inscribed figure gives another inscribed figure that is congruent to the original one.

Familiar examples of inscribed figures include circles inscribed in triangles or regular polygons, and triangles or regular polygons inscribed in circles. A circle inscribed in any polygon is called its incircle, in which case the polygon is said to be a tangential polygon. A polygon inscribed in a circle is said to be a cyclic polygon, and the circle is said to be its circumscribed circle or circumcircle.

The inradius or filling radius of a given outer figure is the radius of the inscribed circle or sphere, if it exists.

The definition given above assumes that the objects concerned are embedded in two- or three-dimensional Euclidean space, but can easily be generalized to higher dimensions and other metric spaces.

For an alternative usage of the term "inscribed", see the inscribed square problem, in which a square is considered to be inscribed in another figure (even a non-convex one) if all four of its vertices are on that figure.

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor inscribe
1. How shall we inscribe intent
2. We'll also be happy to inscribe your books for you.
Profit from the Positive _ Margaret Greenberg + More _ Talks at Google
3. They want to inscribe their own kind of identity on it,
Fostering Conection _ Mary Corcoran _ Talks at Google
4. And I'm also happy to inscribe books if folks are interested.
Bradford Hipps _ Talks at Google
5. inscribes itself. What do I mean by this? Did you notice that whenever you want to penetrate
Violence _ Slavoj Žižek _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor inscribe
1. Engravers were on site to inscribe messages requested by customers.
2. Another technique was to inscribe a stilus tablet – a wooden frame with a wax panel set into it.
3. Kobo has used pastel–colored faux gems and beads to inscribe on the wall the harrowing confession of a young girl forced to undergo female circumcision.
4. According to Locke, parents and teachers inscribe behaviour on childrens minds in the same way that teachers chalk on blank blackboards.
5. The struggle must continue to inscribe democracy that endures and lives in all of us breathing fresh spirit, energy and vitality to this old nation.